Biblical Counseling

About Us


There are many challenges and problems in today’s complex society.  That is why we believe that God’s Word, the Bible, is so important.  Whether you are wrestling with your marriage, a parenting concern, single parenting, depression, or anger, the Bible has answers for you.

Countryside Biblical Counseling provides free biblical counseling to those seeking God’s answers to the questions and problems in their lives.  After reviewing the following list of questions, please contact us if you would like to schedule a counseling session.

What Can I expect from Countryside Biblical Counseling if I come?

You’ll receive answers from God’s Word, be encouraged in your successes, and exhorted to think and live in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.

You can expect that everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the counselor’s judgment, there is a biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity).

You can expect that our staff will care for you and treat you with respect.

Is there any hope for things to get better?

There are answers for dealing with whatever you might be facing. We believe that God has given us all we need to know Him and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.  All our difficulties may not evaporate.  However, when a person willingly submits to God’s instructions and clings to his promises there is hope and help.

Are the counselors qualified and when is counseling available?

All of our counselors, whether they are pastors or laypersons, go through a rigorous training program in biblical counseling.  At this time, our counseling is offered by appointment via phone call or email.

What does Countryside Biblical Counseling expect from you?

We ask you to be willing to learn and apply God’s way of handling problems.

We ask you to attend each weeks session and do weekly homework assignments that will encourage lasting change.

We ask you to give us a little time.  Habits were not developed overnight and new habits will take several weeks to develop.

What does the counseling cost? 

Our counseling is free of charge.  However, when you arrive for your first counseling session you will submit a $25 cancellation fee, by check.  If you cancel your appointment after 5:00p.m. on Tuesday for your Wednesday appointment, you forfeit your fee.  You will need to submit another $25 before continuing.  If you attend (or properly cancel) all sessions, your fee will be returned.

Where do I begin?

For more information or to schedule an appointment, phone (620) 873-5359 or email us.

We look forward to helping you.

Countryside Biblical Counseling

100 S. Baltimore

Meade, KS  67864

(620) 873-5359