What's Happening
9:00 AM Fellowship Time
Join us in the Fellowship Hall before we study God's Word together!
Coffee and smoothies/hot cocoa provided.
9:30 AM Sunday Morning Bible Study – All Ages
Junior Department
Newborns to 6th Grade — Church Sanctuary Basement
Junior High — 2nd Floor of the Fellowship Hall
High School — 1st Floor of the Fellowship Hall
Adult Department
Epistle to the Ephesians — 1st Floor of the Fellowship Hall
Epistle to the Hebrews — 1st Floor of the Fellowship Hall
10:40 AM Sunday Morning Worship
Come and join us worship the Lord on Sunday mornings. We study God's Word verse-by-verse through a book which has changed countless lives for almost 2000 years. We trust that the Lord will use His inerrant Word to impact our lives today as we study and apply the timeless truths of the Scriptures to our lives!
6:00 PM Sunday Evening Worship – 2nd and 4th Sundays
Every second and fourth Sunday evening we share a meal together. This is a special time of God's Word and prayer, as well as fellowship with others around the table.
Wednesday (Meets Fall through Spring)
6:30 PM Adventure Club
Three years old through 6th grade
Meets at Church Gym
(transportation provided from church office at 6:15)
6:30 PM Base Camp
Junior High
Meets at Church Office
7:00 PM Crossroads
High School
Meets at Church Gym
Men’s Bible Study (Meets Fall through Spring)
Currently studying 1 Corinthians
6:00 AM Tuesdays
Meets at Church Office
7:00 PM Tuesdays
Meets at Church Office
Ladies’ Bible Study (Meets Fall through Spring)
Currently studying 1 Corinthians
6:00 AM Thursdays
Meets at Church Office
9:00 AM Thursdays
Meets at Church Sanctuary